Using biosensors and light probes to investigate biological signalling in 3D models (spheroids, organoids, tissues and multicellular assemblies)
9:30 Welcome : introduction to GDR Imabio, and to sponsors
9:45 Session 1: Light probes for normal and pathological development
- Opening keynote : Vanessa Ribes (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris) Modelling and imaging of morphogenesis defects associated with spina bifida using iPSC-derived organoids
Short talks :
- Maxime Mauviel Development of an opto-microfluidic assay, to probe signaling and function in glomeruli-on-chip.
- Gabriel Bidaux High-sensitivity calcium biosensor on the mitochondrial surface reveals that IP3R channels participate in the reticular Ca2+ leak towards mitochondria
Sponsors’ short talk
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Session 2: Organoids to understand and treat diseases
- Keynote : Olivier Goureau (Institut de la Vision, Paris) Stem cell-based retinal organoids: Structural and functional analysis to understand human retinal pathophysiology
- Short talks :
- Corinne Lebreton iPSC-Derived Intestinal Organoids for for the modelling of epithelial polarity defects
- Alessandro Furlan Tumor-on-chip models to recapitulate the tumor microenvironment
Lunch and poster session 13:00
14:00 Session 3: Biophysics unraveled thanks to light
- Keynote : Michael Krieg (The Institute of Photonic Sciences ICFO, Barcelona) Shining a light on mechanical body-brain interactions during touch and proprioception
- Short talks :
- Fanny Wodrascka Role of mechanical forces in cell extrusions and cell fate using optogenetics
- Valentin Dunsing Quantitative 3D live-imaging of self-organisation in embryonic organoids
- Keynote : Thomas Boudou (Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics (LIPhy), Grenoble) Engineering and actuating 3D microtissues
Sponsors’ short talk
16:15 Coffee break
16:45 Session 4: FRET biosensors to monitor and quantify molecular events
Short talks :
- Louis Laurent Control of ERK activity by epithelial density
- Marcelina Cardoso Dos Santos Development of Förster Resonance Energy Transfer nanosensors for the study of molecular assembly
- Ending keynote: Bas Ponsioen (Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht) Real-time single-cell monitoring of ERK activity in colorectal cancer organoids : from short-term to long-term analyses
Institut Jacques Monod, Paris (see MAP tabs for further details)
Organising committee:
Gabriel Bidaud
Frédéric Bolze
Nicolas Borghi
Lydia Danglot
Alessandro Furlan
Philippe Girard
Corinne Lebreton
Véronique Proux
Gaëlle Recher
Franck Riquet
François Siepeter